Thursday, November 25, 2010


Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this activity, students will be able to compare volumes of liquid
using non-standard measurements.
Five different bowls, glass, sets of self-made manila cards, “Vitagen®” as encouragement

1. Teacher begins the lesson by comparing volumes of liquid using two different bowls and asks the students which bowls is larger or smaller.

2. Teacher distributes two students in a group and gives them five different dimensions of bowls, a glass, and a manila card that has pictures on it.

3. Teacher explains that each group needs to measure the volume of glass that can fills up the Bowl A given.

4. Students repeat the activity by using the remaining bowl, which has written Bowl B, Bowl C, Bowl D and Bowl E.

5. Students need to read the instruction properly and choose the correct answer from the picture on the manila card. The picture is similar with the bowls and the glass given to.

6. The group that has all the answer correct will be “Vitagen®” as encouragement.
7. Finally, teacher distributes some worksheet as a remedial practice for the students.



Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this activity, students will be able to compare volumes of liquid using non-standard and standard measurements.
Four different bottle fruit juices, 500ml bottle mineral water 
1. Teacher begins the lesson by showing a video that is about comparing volumes of liquid.      



2. Teacher distributes the students into groups of four and gives 4 different types of fruit juice bottle and a 500ml bottle of mineral water for group.

3. Teacher explains that each student needs to fill up the juice into each bottle of mineral water and make the comparison within him or her.

4. Each group needs to arrange all the bottle of mineral water in ascending order to make the comparison.


5. Teacher would ask each group to write down the answer in a questioning sheet.

6. Teacher would display a computer games software that about comparing volumes of
liquid as a remedial activity.




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